Automat Service company has produced and delivered electronic queues for the largest railway stations of the Russian Federation


Год реализации: 2018



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Описание задачи

It becomes easier and more convenient to buy or return a train ticket thanks to new electronic queues at the cash desks, like the one that works in the branches of banks or multifunctional centers

Результат реализации проекта, решенные проблемы и выполненные задачи.

Large and important railway stations are equipped with electronic queues which systems help to distribute passengers flow evenly between the ticket offices.

Automat Service company has produced and delivered electronic queues for the largest railway stations of the Russian Federation and fulfilled multiple projects concerning developing, production and installation of technical equipment bouth hardwear and softwear. Several projects are depicted on company`s website via the, however most part of them was carried out under NDA

More information about press release "The Russian Railway" of the meeting with Oleg Belozerov from ticket cashiers JSC FPC:

Rostov-on-Don Rzd Tv:

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